This is far from a normal post for me but after seeing the movie INCEPTION I had to "blog"
about it, I had no choice. Don't get me wrong, I am not a movie critic except I do have an opinion on this movie. I have to say Movies have not been something I have been "into" until recently. It might have to do with visits to a small town in North Carolina, Shelby and a person ( Jeannie) who happens to live there. In any event, this movie, INCEPTION, is a far cry from an everyday movie and might not be enjoyed by everyone. However, I would recommend everyone over ... say 13 or so see it. ( I picked 13 only because I figure at 13 I was ready to see and understand this type of movie) There are some movie stars in the movie but that is not why you "need " to see INCEPTION. As matter of fact I would rather see a movie without movies "stars" because I want to see the the actor as real people in the story not as actors.
INCEPTION is a real "dream" of a movie! OK, that was my attempt at humor, you will understand it only if you see or have seen, the movie.
OK, so this movie is about dreams and the way dreams are used to change real life. "Change" might not be the best word to describe what goes on in the movie but I don't want to "give away" any of the movie it is too good. So I guess you will have to see it to understand.......
I will tell you to be on time for this movie, open you mind and if you can takes notes in the dark ..... well .... ( OK maybe taking notes might be little extreme, but I want to see the DVD so I can stop it)
I will say dreams are an important part of the movie, if not the movie itself but it goes way beyond just a dream ... maybe a dream within a dream, within a dream, and back out.
OK, there it is, ( I "sort of" lied before when I said, I didn't want to "give away" the movie), I just gave you the entire movie without really giving away the movie. Tricky, maybe, but you have to see it to understand. If you have already seen it you understand perfectly.
See it, then let me know what you think.........
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